The pupils of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál Letterkenny have been enjoying a great week of learning activities, charity projects and teamwork across many classes.
Ms. Harvey’s sixth class held a Cake Sale today (Friday 27th) in aid of Loreto Primary School Rumbek. The school in South Sudan serves more than 600 students, with fifty percent of registration slots reserved for girls. To ensure that students are well equipped to learn, the Loreto Primary School provides a daily meal to each student as well as free medical care for basic ailments.
Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál students put on a fantastic spread of homemade cakes and biscuits this morning to sell and raise much-needed funds for Loreto Rumbek.
Earlier this week, some children from Ms Gibson’s 2nd Class (pictured above) created beautiful Looms to demonstrate diversity in an integrated Visual Arts/SPHE lesson with Mrs Rowland.
These fun and friendly learning initiatives were extended out to the yard too, as Mrs McFadden’s 4th Class were happy to show Ms Gillespie’s Junior Infants how to have fun in the playground!