Letterkenny CDP is celebrating Women’s Health Week with three days of informative and enjoyable events for all local women.
Health and beauty demos, advice stands and fun events are on the agenda for Wednesday 18th April. The Courtyard Shopping Centre will be a hub of free information and services on this day from 11am to 5pm. All are welcome.
The Women’s Health Week stalls are moving up to the Market Centre on Market Square from 11am-5pm on Thursday and Friday 19th-20th April.
This week’s stalls will give local women the unique chance to avail of free health checks, advice and more. Plus, the Marie Keating Foundation Mobile Cancer Unit will be parked outside Ulster Bank on Thursday 19th April from 11am-4pm to bring free cancer information straight into the heart of the town.
Women’s Health Week and Bealtaine celebrations on May 23rd are just a few of the events and services provided by Team CDP in Letterkenny. Here is all you need to know about the project:
What is Letterkenny C.D.P. ?
We are a Community Development Project based in Letterkenny. We have a voluntary Board of Management who give their time freely to organise and plan programmes and events in the “Community for the Community”. We are a registered Charity (CRA 20062460) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (CHY 16997). Most of our programmes are FREE or have a minimum fee to cover running costs.

Family Fun Day
Where are we located?
Unit 24 The Courtyard Shopping Centre Lr. Main Street Letterkenny, (Entrance through our CHARITY SHOP on the corner) Tel 074 9120633 email lkennycdp@eircom.net Facebook Letterkenny C.D.P.
What do we do?
We work with people of all ages and abilities to help them improve their lives, health and wellbeing.
- Senior Alert Scheme: free personal alarms for people aged 65yrs and over
- Care and Repair Programme: we carry out minor repairs in the homes of older people, people with disabilities, people who are on low income etc.
- Adult Education: courses for adults as identified by our service users
- Community response to drugs/alcohol misuse: we employ an Outreach Worker to work with people in their own environment to help them reduce the harm caused by addiction. We also provide support to families and loved ones of the person who are coping with addiction.
- We sponsor a Rehabilitation Community Employment Scheme for people in recovery from alcohol/drugs/gambling addiction to help them improve their wellbeing and sustain their recovery.
- We also sponsor a Mainstream Community Employment Scheme for people who are long term unemployed to provide them with opportunities to train and upskill to help them increase their employment opportunities.
- Working with youth at risk: we organise programmes for young people to give them opportunities to participate in social, educational and peer support programmes. We have recently set up a Foroige Junior Youth Club in Letterkenny.
- Creative Corner: we organise an arts/crafts/recycling programmes where our participants can improve their skills and learn new skills through an arts therapy programme.
- We provide entertainment at community events i.e. face painting, photo booth, Arts & Crafts, Fun Games & Prizes and much more.

Letterkenny CDP: Youth Care & Repair Team
- Volunteer in the Home Programme: we have volunteers who wish to do voluntary work but are confined to their home for various reasons. They are supplied with the materials needed and they make many wonderful artistic items which we sell in our charity shop to help sustain our charity.
- I.T. in the Home: we visit people in their own home and teach them how to use their mobile phone, laptop, skype, Facebook, and anything I.T.
- Letterkenny Men’s Shed: we established the Men’s Shed 5 years ago in partnership with the H.S.E Acquired Brain Injury and Stroke rehabilitation unit. We continue to support this very worthwhile project.
- Affordable Childcare: we have a pre-school facility (LEARN ‘N’ PLAY) in the upper Glencar area of Letterkenny and are in the process of expanding this service to include after school and out of school programmes. We provide ECCE, CCS, CCS Plus and Sessional places to eligible children.
- Community Garden: we maintain 3 raised beds in Letterkenny Community Garden which provides an opportunity for our staff and volunteers to train and develop their skills in horticulture and gardening.
- Community Events: we organise the following annual events in association with many organisations and agencies in Letterkenny and throughout Co. Donegal:
- St. Bridget’s Cross making Session,
- St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations, including a Non-Alcohol After Parade Party for families,
- Bealtaine event to Celebrate Older People,
- Women’s Health Week,
- Men’s Health Week,
- Family Fun Days,
- Intercultural Celebration Days,
- Halloween Extravaganza,
- Christmas Live Crib.

Letterkenny CDP: Cleaner Community Campaign
How we sustain our Charity: We are funded by the Dept. of Social Protection for our Community Employment Schemes, HSE funds our Drugs/Alcohol Outreach Worker through the North West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, ETB fund some of our Adult Education Courses, Dept. of Youth and Children fund our Pre-School Service. All other programmes are supported by donations, small grants, and as we are not core funded for staffing or overheads we are grateful for any support we receive, financial or otherwise.
Our Charity Shop: we set up a charity shop in the Courtyard Shopping Centre 2 years ago to help raise funds to run some of our programmes. We accept all donations of clothes, unwanted gifts, toys, children’s items, bric a brac etc. We are very grateful to all who donate and send a massive thanks to you all for your continued support.
How can you help? You can help our charity in any of the following ways:
- Make a donation to our fundraising
- Donate to our Charity Shop, all items are welcomed, clothes, unwanted gifts, toys, bric a brac, jewellery etc etc.
- Enter our Charity Draws
- Encourage people to use our services
- Join our Volunteer team
- Attend our Community Events
- Like our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/letterkenny.cdp
- Women’s Health Week Wed. 18th to Fri. 20th April
- Celebrate Bealtaine for Older People on Wed. 23rd May in Station House Hotel Letterkenny
- Men’s Health Week Wed 13th to Fri. 15th June
- Adult Education Courses (these courses will run subject to funding and numbers registered)
- Sign Language
- Communications
- Mosaics
- Paper Art
- Paverpol
- Jewellery Making
For more information, contact Margaret Toner at lkennycdp@eircom.net