‘YIC Talks’ is the public speaking and discussion youth group that meets bi-weekly in Donegal Youth Service. YIC Talks is the name, public speaking skills are the aim!
The Letterkenny Youth Information Centre set up the group in January, and it has grown from strength to strength since. They want young people to have the confidence, and self esteem to communicate effectively and wow the crowds with their public speaking skills.
Their most recent special guest was Karen Murphy Speech, Drama and Communications on Tuesday, February 27th. Just as the ‘Beast From The East’ started to take hold across Ireland, Karen was sharing her expertise with the group. They worked on communication, body language, and expressing emotions.
The next group takes place on Tuesday, the 13th of March from 6-8pm in the Letterkenny Youth Information Centre, Port Road. They are fun and interactive workshops, and there is no obligation to do any talking unless you want to. The group focuses on individual needs and abilities, and on having fun.
Public speaking is an unavoidable part of life. From school and college presentations, to meetings at work, you will eventually have to speak in front of a group of people. You have probably heard that you should imagine everyone in their underwear if you are nervous about public speaking, but why would that help? While it is a funny TV trope, it’s not very helpful advice. So come along to YIC Talks for some better tips, and see what the group can do for you.
Donegal Youth Service are a youth organisation who respond to the needs of young people countywide. Charity No. CHY 15027. For more information about ‘YIC Talks’ talk to Kasia or Emma in the Letterkenny Youth Information Centre: yicletterkenny@donegalyouthservice.ie, or call DYS on (074) 91 29630, www.donegalyouthservice.ie, or find them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.