Jackson’s & Villa Rose Hotels, Ballybofey are inviting all newly engaged couples to a Wedding Showcase Open Day so they can see how their dream wedding days will look in both stunning venues.
Following on from the success of the Villa Rose & Jackson’s joint Wedding Fayre last month, the hotel teams are inviting interested couples to attend a Wedding Showcase Open Day this Sunday, February 25th from 1pm-3pm.
This event gives couples the opportunity to come along and view the hotels set up just as they would be for a wedding reception.
Both hotels will be fully dressed and set-up for a wedding ceremony and reception; showcasing exactly how they would prepare for your special day, including the use of a red carpet, flowers, candles, centre pieces, decorations and all of their special touches! Each civil ceremony room and the magnificent Bridal Suites will be available for viewing.
Take the opportunity to peruse and get a feel for each hotel, view bedrooms, meet the staff and take the first step in planning your wedding day.
Rhonda, Shannen and the Wedding Team will also be on hand to answer your questions or talk you through any ideas you have in mind.
Admission Free, Everyone Welcome. For more information, call Villa Rose on 074 9132266, Jackson’s 074 9131021, or call Conferencing and Banqueting Manager Rhonda Gillespie at 087 2462232