The Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt held a glamourous ball on Saturday 17th February at Kee’s Hotel Stranorlar.
The sell-out event celebrated the success of the riders and the vibrant membership of the group. Special awards were presented to members for outstanding achievements.
More than 175 members gathered for the black-tie ball, which was excellently organised by Lynn Millar, Patricia Keenan and Sarah Kelly. Guests enjoyed a special night of food and entertainment, with music by ‘Infinity’.
See all the photos by Clive Wasson in the gallery below:
Leslie Goudie, Hunt Chairman and Elaine Goudie at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Ellie Simms from Milford winner of the Shane BRollly Memorial Perpetual up at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Event organisers Lynn Miller and Caoimhe O’Neill at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Special prize winnersat the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel on Friday night last from left are Samuel Wilson, Most Dareing, Johnny Magee, Hip Flask Fanatic, Leslie Goudie, Chairman, Ellie Simm, Best Newcomer, Shaen Brolly Memorial Cup Winner, Jennifer Torrins, Best Turned Out and Jamie Collins , Best Fall. Photo- Clive Wasson
Worker and fence builders with their awards at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Seated Leslie Goudie, Chairman, Ian Miller, Simon Scott, Gus O’Driscoll, Robert Smyth and Ronnie Wilson. Photo- Clive Wasson
Georgia Dillworth, Kery Taggart and Kelly Taggart at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Richard Crawford, Kyra Crawford and Judith Porter. Photo- Clive Wasson
Lynn Russell, Stephnie Johnston and Caoimhe O’Neill n
Paul McGill and Fiona McGill. Photo- Clive Wasson
Kathryn Devlin and Patrica Dalton at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Tracy Wilson, Tanya Kerr and Eileen Woods at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel on . Photo- Clive Wasson
Marty Devine, Majella Wilson and Ronnie Wilson at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel . Photo- Clive Wasson
Fiona Mccrorry and Rachel O’Kane at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Mark McCrorry, Hannah McCrorry, Abbey O’Connor and Samuel Wilson at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel . Photo- Clive Wasson
Ruth Magee, Clarke Magee and Les Gillespie at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson
Sharon Browne, Leslie Goudie, Elaine Goudie and Brian Quinn at the Donegal & Tyrone Farmers Hunt Ball in Kee’s Hotel. Photo- Clive Wasson