The Abbey Vocational School, Donegal Town have announced plans to establish an Aonad Gaeilge for students to learn through the Irish language from September 2018.
Deputy Thomas Pringle welcomed the announcement by the Donegal ETB school today and said “I’m delighted at the news of an Aonad Gaeilge in the school which will cater for students who wish to be educated in an Irish medium environment. This will reinforce an appreciation of the Irish language and culture among the students who will benefit from this.
“Is coiscéim iontach tabhachtach i saol culturtha an ceantar aitiúla seo mar beidh an ionad úr Gaeilge i Gairmscoil na Mainistreacha ag forbairt an éagsúltacht i saol na daltaí ins an t-aonad agus ins an Gairmscoil féin”.
“I understand that the initial commitment by the school will be to offer the curriculum up to the completion of the Junior Cycle with an ongoing review of provision. The subjects offered in the Aonad Gaeilge will include: Gaeilge, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Religion, Physical Education, Civics Social and Political Education and Social Personal and Health Education will come under the new Wellbeing subject in the Aonad.
Beidh an cultúr Gaeige beo ins an t-ionad agus tig leis na daltaí éagsultacht an scoil a bhlaiseadh is iad ag foghlaim is ag buail le chéile ar fud na scoile sna h-aiteanna a mbeidh Béarla in úsaid mar teanga labhartha ag foireann na scoilte is ag na daltai. Beidh seans anois ag na daltaí sa ceantar aitiúla freastal ar scoil dara leibhéal tríd an Gaeilge. Mar sin tá rogha ann nach raibh ann cheana féin ag daltaí agus tuismitheo irí”.
“Some great benefits to this programme will integrate students with the wider school community for optional subjects, for example Metalwork, Woodwork, Technical Graphics, Music and Art. English and Modern Languages will be taught through the language of the subject.
“I look forward to seeing the initiative roll out in the new school year and want to congratulate the school staff, parents, students and the community for supporting the initiative and for making it happen” says Pringle.
“Tá sé mar dualgas anois ag gach bunscoil san cheantar seans a thabhairt do na daltaí freastal ar an t-ionad Gaeilge seo. Tá rogha ann anois fá choinne achan duine as seo amach maidir leis an meánoideachas- tri Béarla nó trí Gaeilge. Fosta beidh béim ar polasaí dáthangachais na scoite is iad ar ag fás i rith na bliana. Comhghairdeas don prîomhoide, Geardóin Uí Duibhir, foireann na scoilte, An Dr.Gormley as an E.T.B.”