Netflix users have been warned to be wary of well-designed fake emails that ask them to update their payment details.
This latest phishing scam surrounding the streaming service tricks users into giving away their passwords and credit card details.
The convincing email titled ‘Payment declined’ directs people to a page with fake branding that asks for card details and password verification.
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Australian security company MailGuard warns that the email is a ‘well designed fake’ and the latest in a series of Netflix emails by fraudsters:
“Their large customer base makes them a valuable target for brandjacking; cybercrime that exploits the trademarks of well-known companies to deceive victims,” according to Mailguard.
The email says the user’s card was declined and asks them to update their details in order to continue using their account.
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“This sort of phishing scam allows cybercriminals to harvest victim’s credit card credentials. The phishing page is designed to operate like a legitimate login portal. It asks for card details and password verification, then ejects the scam victim to a real Netflix page to allay suspicion.”
Those who receive an email or text message that is not from Netflix are warned not to reply and to report it.
Netflix issued the following advice for suspicious emails and texts:
- Never enter your login or financial details after following a link in an email or text message. If you’re unsure if you’re visiting our legitimate Netflix website, type directly into your web browser.
- Never click on any links or open any attachments in an email or text message you received unexpectedly, regardless of the source.
- If you suspect an email or text message is not from Netflix, do not reply to it.
For details on reporting scams visit: