Neil Donaghy and his team of leading safety experts at Donaghy Safety Training Ltd. look at how to implement a policy to promote health and well-being in your business.
Throughout Europe, alcohol and other drugproblems in the workplace are a major factorin accidents, absenteeism and reducedproductivity. The cost to employers runs intomillions each year, in addition to thepersonal, social and financial impact on theperson and their family.
In the last decade Ireland had the highest increase in alcohol consumption among EUcountries with a 41% increase in per capitaconsumption (hope, 2001). The 2003 slannational lifestyle survey found that 78% ofadults in Ireland drink alcohol and of these30% of males and 22% of females consumemore than the recommended weekly limits ofreasonable alcohol consumption.
Also, experimental substance usehas also increased over the last two decadeswith the level of substance use in general higher among young people in Ireland than inother countries (Brinkley et al., 1999). Datapresented in the 2002 annual report of theEuropean monitoring centre for drugs anddrug addiction (emcdda) estimate that one infive Irish adults between the age of 18 and 64have used an illegal drug.
The recognition of the cost to industry ofalcohol and other drug related problemshave given impetus to the development ofservices aimed at the prevention, earlyidentification and treatment of problems
Why the workplace?
The workplace has been identified as an ideal setting to promote health and well-being through health promotion activities and the implementation of workplace policies. Drug and alcohol issues are of increasing concern for workplaces today.
For workers….
Alcohol/substance abuse can result in deteriorating health, as well as family and relationship problems, injury, disciplinary action and other work-related problems.
For employers…
Substance abuse can lead to safety problems affecting the business, the workforce and customers. This ultimately leads to increased costs, lower productivity and can result in the loss of that ‘competitive’ edge a business needs to continuously thrive.
Research shows that a notably high level of performance impairment can occur after relatively low quantities of alcohol and drugs have been consumed (Modell & Mountz, 1990). These findings support the theory of broad based prevention management programmes rather than concentrating on the rehabilitation of heavy drinkers.
There are many benefits for employers who implement an alcohol and drug policy. These include:
– a healthier workforce
– reduced absenteeism, sickness, occupational injuries, late work arrival etc.
– increased productivity and efficiency
– improved staff relations/communications
– an enhanced corporate image and better customer relations
Key elements of a successfully implemented policy
– an alcohol/drug policy provides the precise framework for a business to address such issues in a positive supportive manner while complying with legislation in relation to health & safety in the workplace
– the policy should clearly outline how the business will deal with alcohol/drug issues if they arise
– it should be communicated in a positive, clearly way, detailing all procedures
– the policy should apply to all employees of all grades
– workplace confidentiality should be addressed
– the policy should be continuously reviewed and monitored
When developing a workplace policy…. Broad consultation is vital for the successful implementation of any workplace policy and should be constructed with relevant input from both inside and outside of the business realm.
Within the business input should include:
– senior management
– human resources (hr) department
– occupational health (oh) department
– health & safety advisors
– employee representatives, to include unions
outside the business input from the following agencies/organisations should be considered:
– local alcohol/drug services
– hse
– employer support groups
– Gardaí
– local community based organisations/groups
Irish regs
Safety, health and welfare at work act 2005 does not introduce legally binding regulations compelling employers to provide testing for drugs and alcohol at the workplace.
The health & safety authority (HSA) has published voluntary guidelines on intoxicants testing at work.
There are a number of collective agreements at company and sector level relating to testing procedures (mainly in transport and defence).
For all your training requirements find further information on our website or find us on our facebook page at Donaghy Safety Training Ltd.
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