The HSE are urging people to get the flu vaccinations following confirmation that the ‘Aussie flu’ has taken the lives of people.
Dr David Kelleher, from the Health Protection department said there had been ‘a few deaths’ related to the outbreak.
The dangers surrounding the flu, and more specifically the H3N2 strain known as the ‘Aussie flu’, have escalated and cases of infection have more than doubled in the last week.
So far, 73 people have been hospitalised.
The people most at risk of catching influenza over winter are those aged 65 years old and older, children who suffer from chronic illnesses, pregnant women, people who are obese and those with lower immunity such as cancer patients.
The HSE has outlined how the symptoms of influenza can differ from the common cold.
Dr Kelleher said: “The symptoms of influenza usually develop over a matter of a few hours and include a high temperature, sore muscles, dry cough, headache and sore throat.
“This is different from the common cold, which tends to come on more gradually and usually includes a runny nose and a normal temperature.”