Loughros Heritage Group and Ardara GAP Heritage and History Group has launched a petition in response to the publication of the consultation draft of the Wild Salmon and Sea Trout Tagging Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2017 by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment.
The Ardara GAP Heritage and History Group and Loughros Heritage Group have organised a public petition against the closure of The Channel (Loughros More Estuary) and against making the Owenea and Owentocker ‘catch and release’ rivers for the 2018 fishing season.
Proposed by Sean Kyne, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, the proposed regulations will restrict the quotas of fish that can be harvested by commercial fishing engines, and rod and line in the following Donegal rivers:
The Department is currently inviting observations and objections to the draft regulations from the public, with the full draft being available on the Department’s website.
A spokesperson says: “If implemented these measures will have a huge impact on our heritage, tourism and local communities.
“It is crucial that as many people as possible sign this petition.”
Copies of the petition are available to sign until this coming Tuesday, 14th December in:
Ardara: at Diver’s Newsagents, Charlie’s West End Café, Young’s General Store, Darnell’s Mace and Maloney’s Texaco.
Glenties: at The Paper Stop, Melly’s Costcutter, Inishkeel Co-Op and Golan’s XL.
Portnoo: at Morgan’s Mace.
Observations and objections can be sent to inland.fisheries@dccae.gov.ie or posted to the address below before the 14th of December.
All submissions received will be published on the Department’s website following the conclusion of the consultation period.
Inland Fisheries Division
Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,
Elm House,
Earlsvale Road,
Cavan Town
H12 A8H7