A man told Gardai he was taking cocaine to keep him awake during a relative’s wake and funeral.
Gary Curley, was stopped by Gardai in Co Donegal on suspected drink driving on June 9th last.
However, when he was searched, a small bag of cocaine was found in his coat.
Curley, a 25-year old father-of-two from 4 Benevenagh Gardens, Derry was stopped at the dual carriageway outside Letterkenny and later charged with possession of drugs.
Solicitor Patsy Gallagher said his client had been attending a close family member’s funeral and admitted using the substance.
He said his client had an issue with cannabis but not with cocaine.
Letterkenny District Court was told the accused had already paid €100 bail money.
Judge Paul Kelly said that if Curley agreed to give the bail money to Pieta House then he would strike the matter out.