The people of Donegal are used to raking in the awards – we’ve got the sexiest accent, we’re living in the Coolest Place in the Planet, and now we’re officially one of the soundest counties in Ireland.
Donegal came second in the list, just behind Galway. said we deserve the accolade as “the Donegal girl in the office always offers to make tea.” It’s a mortal sin not to offer, no?
The least sound county was Cavan, due to their “well-established reputation for stinginess.” Second last was Roscommon, with saying “Let’s be honest they wrecked the buzz a little bit by voting no [in the Marriage Referendum].”
Our neighbours Derry scored 18 as it’s “home of the Ireland football manager.” Tyrone weighed in at number 20 as “anyone who can take a beating like last week at Croker is fine by us.” Fermanagh scored poorly, coming in at 27 due to their poor reputation for not going out on the sesh/enjoying a big bag of cans. Leitrim didn’t fare well either, coming in at 28, as “we just don’t know enough about ye, lads.” Ouch.
They did however provide a disclaimer saying “every county is full of legends.”
So there we have it, we’re a sound bunch. As if we needed to be told.