Sinn Féin Councillor Gary Doherty has today welcomed news that Irish Water is to fund a new water main near Ballindrait.
The proposed works will see 1.6km of piping replaced on the Regional Road R264 between Ballindrait village and the Murlog Junction with the N14.
Cllr Doherty said locals have faced ‘unacceptable’ disruptions to water supplies of late.
Cllr Doherty said: “I have made repeated representations on behalf of residents in this area to Irish Water regarding repeated bursts and water outages which have caused huge disruption to areas such as Ballindrait, Tober and Argary. I sincerely hope that this new section of water main will go some way to preventing further such water outages in these areas.”
“The proposed works are scheduled to be completed by mid-October, and will be followed by road re-surfacing works which it is hoped will be completed during the school’s Halloween holidays.
“I will continue to work with residents in the area to keep them updated on these works and I will continue to lobby Irish Water for further mains upgrading funding which is badly needed to prevent the unacceptable water outages we have seen in the last few years.”