A 17-year-old juvenile has been remanded in custody following an aggravated burglary in Letterkenny.
The youth, who cannot be named, was already on bail for previous offences.
Falcarragh District Court heard how the young man allegedly broke into the house with an accomplice.
A knife was used in the raid during which a handbag and a phone was stolen.
Gardai arrested the youth at his home the following morning.
Garda Sean Grant objected to bail considering the alleged offence was committed while the youth was already on bail.
The boy’s mother and father were present in court.
His mother addressed the court and admitted her son did have an issue with alcohol since he was 14 years old.
She said he was a completely different person when he wasn’t under the influence of alcohol and most just stayed at home playing his Playstation.
She said “He doesn’t understand why he is doing it. When it gets to Letterkenny and gets drink, he gets in trouble.”
Solicitor Rory O’Brien said the youth had been in juvenile detention before and it had had a profound effect on him.
However, Judge Paul Kelly said he was refusing bail on the grounds that this offence was committed while he was on bail.
He was remanded to appear before Letterkenny District Court by videolink next Monday.