Letterkenny’s popular wine shop, artisan food store and cafe The Counter Deli is back in business after a weekend break-in.
Thieves smashed into the shop at Canal Road last Saturday night and made away with the till and its contents.
Thankfully, after a quick clean-up and glass replacement, the shop has opened its doors this morning (Monday) and is welcoming customers as normal.
Owner Richard Finney has said he was relieved that the store was not trashed in the raid.
“Thankfully there wasn’t a huge amount of clearing up to be done, it was more cosmetic damage,” he told Donegal Daily.

Richard Finney, The Counter Deli
Wine lovers need not worry either, as Richard said that none of this top-quality stock was taken in the raid.
“They weren’t wine connoisseurs anyway!,” he said.
A big community effort got underway to help Richard following the burglary.
“I had loads and loads of offers of help and assistance. I was very surprised and very touched,” he said.
Gardai carried out a forensic examination at the scene of the theft on Sunday.
“From my understanding, the guards may have a couple of suspects,” Richard said.
For now, Richard is looking on the bright side and will be welcoming all customers to the cafe to enjoy cool iced coffees in the sunshine.