The No Barriers Sports Day on Saturday 15th July was an action-packed day with families and friends coming together to share a can-do attitude.
Young and old joined in the games which were suited for all abilities. A memorable moment from the day was the fun walk which saw Gerry McCabe taking his 100,000th step in his Ekso Bionic Suit.
Gerry is completely paralysed due to a spinal cord injury and this eksokeleton enables him to walk. It is the goal of the No Barriers Positive Steps campaign to purchase a suit for the use of the Donegal community. If you wish to support the fund please click here: No Barriers Foundation

No Barriers Sports Day
The No Barriers Committee share their gratitude to all who were involved in the weekend’s successful event:
A massive thank-you to everyone that took part in the No Barriers sports event held in the Aura on Saturday. A well needed amount of 772 euro was raised which will go towards purchasing an eksoskeleton for the people of Donegal to use to help with their walking recovery or as a form of exercise.
The Aura included us as part of their 10th anniversary party and the refreshments and barbeque were gratefully received.
Hannah- the event manager could not have been more helpful and all the staff were a pleasure to work with.
Adrian Harmon (AA road watch) was MC for the event and all credit to him for making the event run so smoothly.
Massive thanks to all the coaches that gave freely of their time to introduce others to their sport.
John Hunter and Maxine along with other coaches from Three Rivers Badminton Killygordon introduced many to the joys and challenges of badminton and they are interested in commencing badminton lessons for people with a disability. They can be contacted on 0872535020.
Paul Callaghan from the Ulster GAA coached an intensive game of wheelchair hurling, followed by Ryan O’Donnell with wheelchair basketball.
Paul coaches a wheelchair hurling team in Derry on a regular basis and can be contacted by email on Some members of the local St. Eunan’s team were there to lend a supportive hand.
Ryan coaches wheelchair basketball through the Donegal sports partnership in the LYIT.

All fun at the No Barriers Sports Day
Shane Barr from the FAI who coaches the football for all programme that is currently being run in the Four masters supported by the Donegal sports partnership entertained us all with some football skills assisted with some members of the Finn Harps team.
A young lady Mary NiGhallachoir who walks with crutches took pleasure in taking a shot with Packie Mailey in goals and posted “who says having a useless leg has to stop you from playing sports”. Shane can be contacted by email
Odhran O’Doherty-Disability sports Northern Ireland and Ulster coach of Boccia introduced participants to this developing sport. Odhran also coaches frame football in Coleraine, which is gaining popularity.
Odhran can be contacted at
For more local contacts or queries on other sports please contact Donegal sports partnership sports inclusion disability officer Thérèse Laverty on 0749116078/0868349056 or Cliona Horan-IWA sports development officer-ulster at
Finn Valley athletics along with Stephen Friel consultancy will be commencing para-athletics on Saturday 23rd September.
Certificates of participation designed by the Mark Pollock trust and kindly signed by Mark Pollock were presented by Stephen MacCahill, Donegal Person of the Year and Packie Mailey to all who took part.
What followed then was a truly inspiring experience. Gerry McCabe who is completely paralysed due to a spinal cord injury along with his wife Dolores, completed a lap of the court in his eksoskeleton to a motivational countdown and a massive applause on stepping his 100,000th step. We are so delighted to have shared in this special land -mark.
He then passed the baton to the beautiful, energetic Jennifer Smith who acquired a spinal cord injury 4 years ago and is working hard on body conditioning and fitness and is a shining example of determination and rising to challenges we are given.
Jennifer then led the way around the court in her hand-cycle followed by around 100 spectators and we must say we felt such a community spirit and ‘can-do’ attitude that we are inspired to continue with this mode of fundraising and bringing awareness of the No Barriers Foundation.
Thank-you to our other volunteers- Carlyn Maguire and the teenagers from the Donegal youth council who offered face-painting, nail painting and even agreed to wearing a mascot suit.
To Katrina Maguire and Rachel McGeehan who helped at registration along with the Loughrey family massive appreciation.
Biggest thanks to you the participants that turned up on the day to try your hand at the sports on offer and we wish you continued success in finding sport/exercise to suit and look forward to further improving access to exercise for all in Donegal.
You can contact us on: Our New Website:
Find us on Facebook: No Barriers Foundation
Go Fund Me: No Barriers Foundation