It was a big weekend for the Donegal Youth Council as they travelled to Limerick to compete in Youth Work Ireland’s National Youth Games and the Youth Factor.
The long journey was well worth it as they returned home triumphant on Sunday evening with three trophies.
The national programmes run by Youth Work Ireland every year see thousands of young people coming together to participate, have new experiences, and build self confidence. The Youth Games is Youth Work Ireland’s annual sports and activity programme which takes place annually over one day.
Kai McHugh won 1st place in the Youth Factor’s solo dance category for his original, interpretive dance. The Youth Factor is Youth Work Ireland’s annual variety show. This national variety programme creates real opportunties for young people, whatever their ability, to gain confidence through performance and creativity.
Kai McHugh
Team DYC dodged stiff competition in the Dodgeball tournament to be crowned the under 18s Dodgeball champions, after a practice game with Malin Head Youth Group brought out their competitive streak. Finally Daire Harper also came out on top for the under 15s draughts.
Team DYC dodgeball
Daire Harpedonegal
Youth Council Coordinator Carlyn Maguire was there to support them and cheer them on all weekend, sharing that “I am so proud of all of the youth councillors who took part and got involved at the weekend. The results really show how hard working and dedicated the young people of Donegal really are.”
Donegal Youth Council is funded by Donegal County Council, HSE Health Promotion and the Department of Children & Youth Affairs and is co-ordinated at local level by the Donegal Youth Service. For more information you can contact Donegal Youth Council Co-ordinator Carlyn Maguire on 074 91 29630 or email