JT Physiotherapy and Reformer Pilates in Letterkenny held an incredible charity event yesterday that raised a huge €1,700 for the No Barriers Foundation.
100% of the money raised from yesterday’s reformer classes and physiotherapy appointments were donated directly to No Barriers.
Dr Frank Fogarty was also in the clinic yesterday, providing free blood pressure checks and diabetic screening.
The Letterkenny based No Barriers Foundation aims to create a specialist health facility to allow those with a disability to improve their physical fitness.
A spokesperson for the charity says “our aim is to create an inclusive health facility equipped with specialist neurological equipment allowing anyone with a disability to train and improve their current levels of physical and mental health by targeting mobility, strength and physical fitness regardless of their current baseline.
“There is no substitute for exercise. Exercise is medicine and appropriate exercise is our best way of treating and combating every form of threat to our physical and mental well being.”
The No Barriers Foundation have also launched their Positive Steps Campaign, which hopes to raise the funds necessary to bring an Eskobionics Robotic Exoskeleton to Donegal. The nearest Eskobionics Exoskeleton is located in Galway. As there are currently 64 people in Donegal with spinal cord injuries, and approximately 276 diagnosed with MS in the county, the Exoskeleton would be of great benefit to our community.