Anam Cara, an organisation which supports bereaved parents are hosting their monthly meeting on Thursday, the 8th of June, from 7:30-9pm in the Mount Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny.
The meetings offer parents a safe and comfortable setting where they can connect with other parents and discuss their grief and loss.
A mother spoke of the benefits the meetings were to her: “Nothing is normal after the death of a child and it never will be again. Anam Cara helps… I would encourage any bereaved parents to come along. I know that anything that is unknown is often really scary, however, it’s important people know there is no pressure on anyone to talk at the meetings, just being there can help.”
Anam Cara CEO Sharon Vard stressed that the meetings are open to all bereaved parents “regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death or whether the death was recent or not.”
For more information or to order a free information pack you can email or ring their information line on 085 288 888,