Mulroy College, Milford held their senior prize giving yesterday evening at the school.
The Mayor of the Letterkenny Municipal District, Councillor James Pat McDaid attended as Special Guest to present the awards.
Clive Wasson was on hand to capture these images …

James Pat McDaid Letterkenny Municipal District Mayor speaking at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

James Pat McDaid Letterkenny Municipal District Mayor presenting Transition Year Student of the Year awards to Siobhan Sweeney and Ben Harkin at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

James Pat McDaid Letterkenny Municipal District Mayor presenting Fifth Year Student of the Year awards to Rachel Ivors and Jason Vaughan at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

James Pat McDaid Letterkenny Municipal District Mayor and Principal Ms. Fiona Temple presenting the Sixth Year Student of the Year awards to Nicole Carr at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

Principal Ms Fiona Temple speaking at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

Students who received 5th Year Academic Awards at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Fron tfrom left are Sean Mc Fadden, Ms Fiona Temple Principal, James Pat McDaid, Letterkenny Municipal Mayor, Catherine McHugh, Vice Principal, Tony McCarry, Chairperson Parents Association and Eillen MgGettigan, Year Head. Back from left are Aisling McFadden, Jason Vuaghan, Rachel Ivors, Caoimhe Walsh and Bailey Kane. Photo Clive Wasson

Transition Year Students who received Awards at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

Students who received 5th Year Appreciation Awards at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

Sixth Year Students who received Appreciation Awards at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

Students who received Sports Awards at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. Photo Clive Wasson

Zoe Green, Senior Sports Students of the Years, Deputy Head Girl and Captain of Senior All Ireland Team at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening with Ms Fiona Temple, Principal, Cllr. James Pat McDaid, Letterkenny Municipal District Mayor and Ms. Catherine McHugh, Deputy Principal. . Photo Clive Wasson

Ms Fiona Temple, Principal, Cllr. James Pat McDaid, Letterkenny Municipal District Mayor and Ms. Catherine McHugh, Deputy Principal at the Mulroy College Senior Prizegiving on Wednesday evening. with Gaisce Award Winners Jason Vaughan, Peter Curran, Alannagh Coll and Ally O’Toole. Photo Clive Wasson