The proceeds of the 10th annual charity day at BBobs Hair Salon in Letterkenny have been presented to three local charities.
The charity day – which has become a popular date in the calendar – was held in November and raised in excess of €3,000 for charities.
Bridge Lavery-Diver and the staff of BBobs, on Pearse Road, host the fun day each November.
In the ten years, the charity day has raised more than €50,000 for local charities.
The Good and New Cancer Bus has been the prime beneficiary over the years.
This year, €2,000 was presented to the Good and New Cancer Bus.
€780 was presented to Pieta House in memory of St Johnston man Jordan Curran, who died in March, 2016 and €780 was presented to the Neonatal Unit in Letterkenny in memory of Milford baby Ricky Devine-McGinley, who died in August, 2016.
The charity day is just one of a number of events that Brigde and her staff have organised to raise money for local charities.
As well as the charity day, Brigde and her team have organised and ran several other events over the years to raise money, including charity cycles, quiz nights and the publication of a calendar.

Brigde Lavery-Diver and Veronica McGinley McHugh present a cheque for Pieta House to Jeanette and Kirsty Curran, in memory of Jordan Curran

Brigde Lavery-Diver, Veronica McGinley-McHugh and Kerrie McGarrigle present a cheque for the Good and New Cancer Bus to Eamonn and Lynne McDevitt and Alma O’Donnell.

Brigde Lavery-Diver and Veronica McGinley-McHugh present a cheque for the Letterkenny Neonatal Unit to Gerard McGinley, Ceara Devine and Chloe McGlynn, in memory of Ricky Devine-McGinley.