AIB staff and customers in Donegal were proud to present a fundraising total of €3,850 to BUMBLEance, the Children’s National Ambulance Service.
On Friday March 3rd, in an effort to raise much needed funds for BUMBLEance, staff in in eight AIB branches across Co Donegal, with the support of many customers, set about rowing, cycling and running the distance between Letterkenny University Hospital and Crumlin Children’s Hospital using rowing machines, exercise bikes and treadmills to clock up the kilometres. On the day, this target was well exceeded with 876 kilometres covered by all involved.
The sum of €3,850 was raised on the day for BUMBLEance.
Barry Naughton, Head of AIB Donegal said: “The staff of AIB across Co. Donegal are delighted to support ‘BUMBLEance’ the children’s National Ambulance Service, a wonderful initiative and such a deserving cause.
“We would like to thank our customers and staff for creating such a fantastic atmosphere on the day. Our aim is to play our part in bringing a “BUMBLEance” service to Donegal and to help sick children on their journeys.”