Two schools in Letterkenny yesterday joined together to take part in a Tri Heroes Triathlon.
Errigal College and St Bernadette’s School combined for a Tri Heroes Triathlon and it was the first time that two schools joined forces in the series.
Tri-Heroes helps schools and teachers introduce and deliver triathlon activities to pupils whilst supporting the needs of the school to deliver the necessary Physical Education progression for all pupils.
Tri Heroes brings together the activities of swimming, cycling and running to inspire, motivate and challenge children.
The programme is fun, varied, challenging and suitable for all pupils whether as part of the curriculum or after school activity.
Danny Ryan, a former Irish middleweight boxing champion who recently medalled at the World Indoor Rowing Championships, presented the certificates and trophies.

The St Bernadette’s School team ready for the Tri Heros Triathlon

The Errigal College team ready for the Tri Heros Triathlon

The start of the girls run in the Tri Heros Triathlon

Lara Mc Laughlin finishing her run in the Tri Heros Triathlon

A sprint finish in the running at the Tri Heros Triathlon

The start of the boys run in the Tri Heroes Triathlon at Aura Leisure Centre

Jack Holian from Errigal College leading the boys run in the Tri Heores Triathlon

St Bernadette’s athletes finishing the run at the Tri Heros Triathlon

Pupils from St Bernadettes School competing in the cycling event at the Tri Heros Triathlon

Michael Black and Ailbne Dunne checking the times of the athletes in the Tri Heros Cycle

Supporting St Bernadettes School in the Tri Heros Triathlon at Aura Leisure Centre. Photos Darren Crossan

Danny Ryan presenting Errigal students the winning trophy for the Tri Heros Triathlon pictured with their coaches Anthony Sheridan and Leanne Wray

Danny Ryan presenting the St Bernadettes pupils runners up with their certificates for the Tri Heros Triathlon along with their vice principal Alibne Dunne

Danny Ryan presenting the awards to the winners of the Tri Heoroes Triathlon Gordon Wilison and Francis Lafferty from St Bernadette’s and Jack Holian and Lara McLaughlin from Errigal College most improved awards went to Ania Mikolajeka and John Doherty from St Bernadette’s and Gabriella Wawrzyniak and Jamie Kelly from Erriagl College also pictured are Charlie Cannon pricipal Errigal College, Michael Black Triathlon Ireland, Leanne Wray coach Errigal College, Ailbne Dunne vice principal St Bernadettes School and Anthony Sheridan coach Errigal College