Gartan National School is a happy little school located near the picturesque lake of Gartan in Churchill, Co. Donegal.
The school is now enrolling students for the school year beginning in 2017.
Gartan National School is a rural school with a very favourable pupil teacher ratio.
Some of the great reasons for children to attend Gartan N.S. include:
The school provides a before school drop off club from 8.40 – 9.20 am and a Monday homework club 3.00 -3.50 p.m.
There is a strong focus on building literacy and numeracy skills for life.
Gartan NS is a proud Green School. Under An Taisce’s Green Schools Programme, the School has previously been awarded three Green Flags in respect of their ‘Litter and Waste’, ‘Energy’ and “Water” projects.
The school received the Active School Award in 2016. An Active School is a school that strives to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.
Gartan NS
Students were winners of the 2015 Mercier Press All Ireland History award.
Tin whistle & bodhran lessons are provided.
Aistear curriculum is fully implemented for junior classes.
Staff at the school believe firmly in “Mól an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.”
Gartan NS
“Gartan N.S. is under the patronage of the Church of Ireland, we welcome pupils of all faiths and none.”
For more information and how to enroll visit or visit our Facebook page at
Contact via telephone: 074 9137443