Donegal’s latest lotto winner has vowed to firstly pay off his mortgage with his €250,000 cash windfall before heading on a sun-kissed holiday!
The very lucky Donegal man could not hide his delight as he claimed a cheque for a quarter of a million euro at National Lottery headquarters in Dublin today.
‘First thing first, I will be putting the cheque into the bank and paying off my mortgage,’ grinned the Bundoran man.
The winning ticket was sold on the day of the draw at the American House shop in Bundoran, just hours before the draw deadline.
‘I am a regular Lotto and EuroMillions player but I hadn’t planned on buying a ticket for the draw.
“I was in the shop buying my usual bits and pieces when my attention was drawn to the raffle tickets. It’s definitely one of my better impulse purchases,’ he laughed.
The Donegal winner found out about his windfall the following morning after news of the big win reached the locality.
“The morning after the draw, I was on Facebook and there was a lot of news about a big lotto win in the town. I didn’t take any notice of it and it was only when I heard the local radio station mention the Millionaire Raffle number that I remembered to check my ticket. As I had one of the last tickets, I knew my number was high. When I heard the number, I just knew,’ he said.
Party planning is already underway in the Donegal household with a holiday for all of the family on the horizon.
“We will be taking the kids and their grandparents away on holiday so we can celebrate properly as a family. I might be the ticket holder but we all won as a family,’ he said.
In total, there were 3,176 prize winners in the National Lottery Christmas Millionaire Raffle ranging from €500 to €1 million. The Christmas Millionaire top prize winning ticket of €1 million, which has yet to be claimed was ticket number 179740.