After a historic season it is hoped as many as possible will join us for our Annual Dinner Dance on the 28th December in Mulroy Woods.
Music will be by the Copycats and it is always a great night to catch up for those who have been away from home. Tickets cost €30 and would make an ideal Christmas present! More details to follow in the coming weeks.
Our Annual Exiles Match will take place this St Stephens Day as we welcome home all our former players and coaches for Christmas. All those hoping to tog out are asked to be at the pitch for 12 for 12.20 throw in. It is always a great days craic with a presentation afterwards in Dustys. All welcome as always
This weeks lotto numbers were 5-19-20-23. No jackpot winner or match 3 winners, two winners drawn win €35 each. Mary McAteer (Bingo) & Caroline mcAteer, Rathmullan. Next weeks Jackpot is €1,700
Tickets for the GAA National Draw are now available from any Committee member or Senior player. Tickets cost €10 with first prize a new Opel car.