A public meeting has been called following concerns over the future of Dunlewey Post Office.
It follows a decision by An Post to put the branch contract out for Public Consultation.
The meeting takes place this Monday 24th October at 7pm in the Ionad Pobail in Dunlewey.
Sinn Féin Councillor John Sheamais Ó Fearraigh said it is vital that the post office service is retained for the local community.
Cllr Ó Fearraigh said “The Post Office in Dunlewey has been at the heart of the local community for decades, and the local Post Mistress and all those who’ve worked at the branch have given years of dedicated service to the area.
“I understand that the Post Mistress in Dunlewey, who must be commended for having given over two decades of service to the Post Office network, is due to step down shortly and An Post has subsequently taken the decision to, instead of automatically placing the contract out to a competitive tendering process, put the contract for the branch out to Public Consultation.
“I have been informed that this process will commence next week and shall run until the second week in November.
“While the fate of the branch in Dunlewey is uncertain and at this point in time there is no guarantee that the post office will be kept open, it is crucial that every effort is made to retain this service.”
He said that if the branch closes it will be a huge blow to local people and businesses and to all those who depend on the services offered by the post office network.
“I have now called a public meeting for this Monday 24th October at 7pm in Dunlewey to discuss the future of the post office and I would of course encourage everyone to come along to this meeting where it’s hoped that a plan of action and a co-ordinate community response can be devised.
“The closure of a post office can have a devastating impact on a rural community and every effort must now be made to ensure that the Post Office branch in Dunlewey can remain open well into the future.”