The Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI) have announced seven strike dates, beginning on October the 27th, effective in over half of Ireland’s secondary schools.
80% of ASTI members have voted in favour of strike action over the pay of recently qualified teachers.
The strikes will disrupt the mid-term break, meaning students may have a longer midterm break than usual.
ASTI President Ed Byrne said; “Recently qualified teachers spend five to six years training, including obtaining the required Master’s qualification for teaching at second-level. They are then expected to teach alongside colleagues who have completely different pay arrangements for their entire careers.”
“The sense of injustice amongst all teachers is palpable. ASTI members are committed to achieving equal pay for equal work for all teachers.”
“ASTI members’ democratic decision to reject the Lansdowne Road Agreement was met with an extreme and hostile reaction by the Government, including targeting young teachers’ access to job security.”
“Teachers are reluctant to take industrial action or to interrupt the running of schools in anyway. However, we have flagged our serious issues well in advance and remain available and committed to a resolution through talks without pre-conditions.”
The dates of the proposed strikes are as follows;
Thursday, October 27th
Tuesday, November 8th
Wednesday, November 16th
Thursday, November 24th
Tuesday, November 29th
Tuesday, December 6th
Wednesday, December 7th