Joshua and Eathan Duffy with their grandmother Bridie O’Kane with Colm, Caobhan and Paul Hegarty who received their Boad Gis wall planners and calendars from Lucy from Real Nation at Letterkenny Educate Together National School. Photo Brian McDaid
Bord Gáis Energy is helping parents and children including Letterkenny’s Educate Together National School settle back into school by gifting helpful calendars.
The calendars were created based on results of the recent survey which has shown how busy children are after school, with 84% of parents saying that their children take part in sporting and other activities including GAA, soccer and speech and drama.
Bord Gáis Energy is currently offering the back to school ‘bonus’, which includes a €100 electricity cash back as well as great savings on their gas and electricity.

Neisha and Cassie Lunn receive their Bord Gáis Energy
calendars and planners which were presented recently at Educate Together in Letterkenny.

Dara and Shay Berkeley who received their Bord Gais back to school calendars for Lucy from Real Nation at Educate Together. Photo Brian McDaid

Cara, Adam, Holly and Ashling Gordon pictured as they receive their back to school planners and calendars Photo Brian McDaid

Christian and Natasha Cinquemani with their Bord Gais back to school calendar and planner which were presented at Letterkenny Educate Together Nation School

Jennifer, Aoife and Rebecca Gallagher picture with their Bord Gais school planners and wall calendars which were presented at Educate Together in Letterkenny. Photo Brian McDaid

Rebecca Boyle pictured as she was presented with her back to school wall planner and calendar from Arron and Lucy from Real Nation who made the presentation on behalf of Bord Gis at Educate Together school in Letterkenny. Photo Brian McDaid