Sinn Féin Finance Spokesperson Pearse Doherty has said the government should not consider an appeal if the EU Commission rules that Ireland provided illegal state aid to Apple and that the correct tax bill should be imposed on the company.
The ruling is to be announced in Brussels tomorrow morning. Speaking ahead of the ruling, Deputy Doherty said:
“When I first raised this issue with Minister Michael Noonan he attempted to fob it off as part of a ‘much wider investigation’ across Europe. As recently as June this was the reply I received when asking about the investigation.
“The arrogance of Minister Noonan in this issue has done nothing to protect Ireland’s reputation which he claims is his reason for appealing the ruling.”
“Tax, and the State Aid rules, is not just for the man in the street or the local business. They must apply to everybody. The days of nod and wink arrangements must end. There is no logical reason to appeal a ruling against the state. The Minister has admitted he has no idea how much an appeal might cost.

Minister Michael Noonan
“The damage to Ireland’s reputation has already been done. Drawing out this process will not change that and could in fact cause further reputational damage.”
“Sinn Fein’s positive proposals to improve Ireland’s reputation internationally such as putting an end to companies being ‘stateless’ and the notorious Double Irish were at first rejected before being implemented by Michael Noonan.
“This State has been dragged kicking and screaming into the new era of international tax rather than accepting the new reality.”
“We should be clear that in no way does a ruling against the state affect Ireland’s tax sovereignty. Those parties that signed up to treaty after treaty with strict State Aid rules cannot now complain about the EU implementing those rules.
“It is time for a more mature State policy to emerge out of this mess.”