The HSE has implemented a service improvement programme in response to inspections of disability services at Ard Greine Court, Stranorlar, Donegal in March and May 2016.
Ard Greine Court, formerly Sean O’Hare Unit, Stranorlar, Donegal was established in 2008. It is comprised of 7 individual housing units. It provides residential facilities for adults with mild to severe Intellectual Disability ranging in age from mid twenties to early seventies.
The HIQA inspection identified areas of concern in relation to Safeguarding, Healthcare and Management of the service. The HSE has liaised with all the families/guardians of the residents in Ard Greine prior to the publication of the reports to brief them on the contents and work which has been completed in response to the reports.
A detailed action plan is being implemented under the direction of Jacinta Lyons, newly appointed Acting Service Manager of Intellectual Disability Services in Donegal.
In particular the following actions have been taken to date:
1. A clearly defined management structure has been put in place. Ard Greine has been reorganised into four designated centres with a Nurse Manager identified to manage each centre to ensure consistency and effective monitoring. Management of the Centre is supervised by the A/Service Manager of Intellectual Disability Services.
2. All Incidents of abuse, be that peer on peer or involving staff, are dealt with as per HSE policies and procedures and reported to the relevant bodies including HIQA.
3. A review of behaviour support plans has been completed involving a multi disciplinary team to identify causes of behaviours of concern and provide Individual supports to reduce the impact of behaviours of concern on others. A process was agreed and implemented by a senior multidisciplinary team to safely manage situations for a small number of residents who require occasional physical intervention by staff to protect themselves or others.
4. Risk Management processes in the service have been reviewed and are being strengthened, improved and monitored on an on-going basis by management within the centres.
5. The HSE Fire Officer has completed a full review of the fire policy and procedures. All staff have received up to date fire training so they to know exactly what to do in the event of a fire.
6. Training has been delivered to all staff in safeguarding awareness, managing behaviours of concern and fire safety. Management training and risk management training has been completed by all new management at Ard Greine.
7. A Community based Day Service is at planning stage which will facilitate residents to avail of a wide variety of community based activities if they so wish. A Residents Forum has been established and a Consumer Forum involving residents, family representatives and staff will commence in September to promote and support a person centred community model.
Jacinta Lyons Acting Service Manager of Intellectual Disability Services in Donegal stated “I am working closely with management and staff at Ard Greine to ensure that all the concerns identified by HIQA are addressed with robust governance, quality and safety arrangements. The safeguarding of residents is our number one priority. We will continue to improve and develop services, to learn from mistakes and promote the best possible quality of life for each resident”.
The HSE remains committed to respecting the rights and dignity of each resident in its care and is working to ensure residents in its care have the maximum choice and control possible in accordance with each individual’s wishes.