Healthy food, sleep and exercise…these are the perfect natural pills for health problems.
There is no question that making healthy lifestyle changes can impact on physical health.
It is a good one and echoes the very message we’ve been knocking on doctors’ and health professionals’ doors to deliver for years: by helping people to lose weight, and adopt new healthy habits like eating more healthily, moving more, drinking less and getting a better night’s sleep.
Slimming World is helping to improve not only the nation’s health, we’re making a difference to people’s general wellbeing and happiness too.
While we would never advocate anyone ignoring the advice of their doctor or refusing medication that a health professional believes they need, there’s no doubt that adopting a healthy lifestyle can improve both physical health and emotional wellbeing (whether in conjunction with medication or on its own).
Eating well, being active, getting regular sleep etc all bring with them huge benefits, including weight loss (or the maintenance of a healthy weight) and an improvement in lots of health problems, such as lowering cholesterol, reducing blood pressure, improving the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, healthy joints and much more.
Where people have been lucky enough to avoid these conditions, adopting a healthy lifestyle could also have preventable benefits.
Slimming World members lose weight through a multi-component approach of:
• new healthy eating habits formed through our Food Optimising eating plan
• regular moderate exercise developed through our Body Magic programme
• powerfully motivating support to encourage long-term behaviour change through a unique approach which we call IMAGE Therapy.
To join any of our groups talk to your local slimming world consultant or checkout our facebook page