The long-awaited documentary made by journalist Gemma O Doherty which focuses on the disappearance of Mary Boyle in March, 1977, is to be uploaded to Youtube tonight at 9:20pm.
At just six years old Mary vanished from her grandparent’s farm in Ballyshannon. She is Ireland’s youngest missing person. The case has remained unsolved and no closure has been given to Mary’s family despite the disappearance occurring almost 40 years ago.
Gemma O Doherty has been working closely with Mary’s twin sister, Ann Doherty to make this eye-opening documentary.
O Doherty claims that gardai were on the verge of identifying Mary’s killer, but a local politician began interfering with the investigation, leading to the suspect not being questioned thoroughly.
You can view the documentary by logging on to Gemma O Doherty’s youtube page tonight.