Letterkenny man Roger Holmes is cycling across America to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. He has named his bicycle Peggy for company and not surprisingly, it’s damn hot. This is his latest dispatch.
Finally got out of Ely, Nevada. It was like the desert version of the Bermuda Triangle at 6500feet. Due to heat it was impossible to cycle any further, but from Ely there was nothing for 80miles in any direction, no public transport, the UHaul dealer had no vehicles and the car hire company shut down!
Peggy and I finally managed to hitch a ride in an RV with a lovely couple called Grace and Bob, and I am now in Utah. Ive dropped 2500′ but today the temperature hit 110.5 degrees!!
I’m going to rest up for a day or so. The mileage I rode on the RV will be made up in Central Park NYC.
Every day now is a major challenge. It is either long desert roads, mountain passes of over 7000feet, intense heat or altitude issues. But I have had help from the most amazing people along the way, and all have a cancer story to tell.
Tomorrow Im going to stay out of the sun, drink lots of fluids and visit the local bicycle stores in the hope of linking up with someone heading east. I need all the help I can get…The Rockies are looming…Onwards and upwards
#TransAtlanticCycle #IrishCancerSociety #Utah #Heatwave #HuckleberryBicycles #OneDayAtATime