Transport Infrastructure Ireland (formally the NRA) has said that new road markings and safety measures are to be installed at Killut on the N56 road between Falcarragh and Gortahork.
The move has been welcomed by Sinn Fein Councillor John Sheamais Cllr Ó Fearraigh.
He said “I’m thrilled to have received confirmation from TII this week that new road markings, including a continuous white line from Bowan Bridge to the townland of Killult, are to be installed in the coming weeks.
“This stretch of road is notorious for being extremely hazardous, and the poor road markings on the route have long been a serious road safety issue for motorists, many of whom have raised their concerns with me in recent weeks.
“Many local residents have contacted me after a number of them experienced dangerous overtaking and excessive speed from fellow motorists on this stretch of road, something which has been worsened by the lack of adequate markings.
“I’m pleased now that following a formal inspection of the section by engineers, that the authority is now to carry out the installation of enhanced markings along the road in the hope that this will prevent overtaking.
“I very much welcome this prompt response from TII, and I sincerely hope that these measures will now ensure that the safety of motorists and all road users is significantly enhanced as a result.”