The Sinn Féin leader asked the Taoiseach the status of the work of the expert panel which was established in February to examine the issue of defective concrete blocks in the construction of homes in Donegal and Mayo.
Gerry Adams said: “Donegal Sinn Féin representatives have been raising their concerns about the use of mica in the construction of homes for some time. Tuesday night’s Prime Time programme revealed a profound failure in state regulation of the construction industry.
“The concrete block is the core component of family homes across this state. This failure was unforgiveable.
“The current expert panel is tasked with only looking at private homes. This is a serious failing. Many Council homes in Donegal were built with mica and defective blocks now pose a serious risk. There are also questions around the use of mica in the building of some schools.
“On Prime Time we saw the trauma that this issue has created for families.
“The government is currently insisting that Donegal County Council meets the cost of what could be a massive bill. This would seriously impact on the provision of other local services.
“According to a recent statement form the Minister, the expert panel is due to report in about six months. However, unless the government widens its terms of reference, the crisis created for public housing and local councils will not be properly examined.”