DD HEALTH: The Irish Society for Crohn’s and Colitis (ISCC) has launched its manifesto to highlight much-needed resources for those suffering from the debilitating effects of the chronic disease.
ISCC marked World IBD Day this week by producing a “IBD Manifesto” to raise awareness of the challenges faced by patients and called for all patients to have access to a Specialist IBD Nurse.
It is thought that at least 20,000 people are living with IBD in Ireland.
There were 5.9 new cases of Crohn’s disease in Ireland per 100,000 population in 2011 and 14.9 new cases of ulcerative colitis (although the incidence of Crohn’s disease is higher than ulcerative colitis in children).
Males and females are affected equally and patients can be diagnosed at any age, including babies and children.
The peak age of incidence is between the ages of 15 and 35, with a second (smaller) peak from the 50s to 70s.
IBD diagnosed in children can behave differently and can be treated differently to that diagnosed in adults.
Both conditions come under the heading of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in which the digestive system is impaired and the gut becomes inflamed and swollen.
Symptoms may, however, ‘flare up’, from time to time.
In some cases, when parts of the colon may become too inflamed, patients may need surgery.
Symptoms of IBD vary from person to person:
the affected area of the intestine
depth of inflammation
extent of inflammation
Signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease
persistent diarrhoea
fever (sometimes in the form of night sweats)
nausea, vomiting
cramps, abdominal pain
Signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis
diarrhoea, often with mucus containing blood
bleeding from the bottom
cramps, abdominal pain
fever occurs in severe cases
weight loss is less common than in Crohn’s disease
The manifesto lays out a series of evidence-based recommendations to inform effective service planning and targeted resource allocation for patients today and into the future, says the charity.
It calls on an a National Strategy for Crohn’s and Colitis to provide an overall framework to deliver key elements set out in the manifesto.
They can be summarised as follows:
Equitable access to an IBD Nurse and multidisciplinary care team.
Self-care and patient empowerment.
Sustainable funding model.
An immediate concern for the ISCC is to address the national shortage of specialist IBD nurses.
In says: “They play a crucial role in improving health outcomes for people living with IBD.
We want to tell everyone about the importance of Specialist IBD nurses who understand their needs and can provide the right kind of support when they most need it.”
For more information visit: http://www.iscc.ie