DD FOOD: It’s always tempting to reach for the chocolate spread or jam for a quick grab-and-go breakfast but a few key ingredients can mean the difference between a sugar overload and an energy boost.
Toppings that will add nutrition to your day, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts or seeds will also help to combat a mid-morning feeling of sluggishness.
Try to use a good quality wholemeal bread. Be aware of salt quantities and look at the label and choose breads with 1g or less per 100g or less than 0.4g per slice.
Chop apples, strawberries or other fruit the night before, leave out nuts, seeds and nut butter and you are good to go.
1. Peanut butter, banana, crushed almonds(or flaxseeds, pumpkins seeds) and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
2. Almond butter and sliced strawberries
3. Sliced Apple and Honey
4.Sliced Avocado + Crumbled Feta + Pomegranates + Olive Oil
5.Avocado and sliced tomato
6.Almond butter and berries