POLITICS: Independent Councillor Micheál Choilm Mac Giolla Easbuig has hailed in what he described as a “historically significant moment ” to see the Starry Plough flag flying on council buildings for the rest of 2016.
The councillor has described his delight at seeing the flag of the Irish Citizens Army flying over buildings that would be seen as traditionally conservative and right wing in it’s approach to public affairs.
The councillor forwarded a motion to fly the flag along with the Tricolour and the Irish Republic flag for the commemoration of the 1916 in which the ICA played a major role.
The councillor told Donegal Daily, “The role of the ICA shouldn’t be whitewashed out of history – and that the ideals of 1916 were about a Socialist Republic.
“The men and women of The Rising set about gaining independence from the British and set up a Republic that benefited all our people regardless of colour creed or religion you were.”