Sean McGrotty who died along with his two sons in Buncrana pier tragedy
THE brother of Sean McGrotty who was driving his Audi Q7 SUV when it slipped off Buncrana pier and into the waters said thee family have been living a nightmare since news of the tragedy unfolded.
Jim McGrotty was speaking of the moment he found out his brother and nephews had perished last night in Co Donegal.
Said Jim: “I was sitting at home when news of the tragedy started to emerge last night. My thoughts were for the families of those involved. Little did I realise then that it was my own family members who had died.
“On behalf of the family we want to thank that brave man who swam into the sea and who saved the life of Louise’s baby Rionaghac-Ann, who is only four months old.
“We have since found out that Rionaghac-Ann’s father Sean handed his baby daughter out of the window of the car into the arms of the brave man who dived in to help just seconds before the car sank with the other family members inside it.
“There has been a constant stream of callers arriving at the house since word of who was involved has become public.
“On behalf of the family we wish to thank those people for their support and for their love at this very difficult time for us all.
“Words cannot express the enormity of the tragedy which has befallen our family. We are all numbed by this tragedy which has visited us.
“If there is anything good which has come out of it is the fact that baby Rionaghac-Ann has been saved.
“My brother Sean was the most devoted of fathers and husbands. He idolised his children.
“Mark was a first year student at St. Joseph’s Secondary School and Evan his brother, who had muscular dystrophy was a pupil at St. Eithne’s Primary School.
£The principals of the schools visited the family home this morning and it was clearly distressing for them. Jodie Lee’s principal also called with us and she too was upset”, said Mr. McGrotty.

Brothers Mark and Evan McGrotty who drowned in Buncrana last night