The committee renovated Donegal’s most iconic republican monument by erecting a large statue of a republican volunteer and installing a number of plaques which honoured the various stages of Ireland’s struggle for freedom.
Over 500 people gathered on Monday evening last, the anniversary of the Drumboe Martyrs, to watch the unveiling by the ceremony’s main speakers; lifelong republicans Sean Hughes and Pat Doherty MP.
Commenting after the event Hughie Doherty said “The committee wanted to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising by installing a fitting tribute to all those who gave their lives for Irish freedom.
“I am delighted that such a large crowd had assembled for the unveiling and to remember Ireland’s patriot dead.”
Mr Doherty added that the unveiling was a significant event in the build up to the county’s main Easter Commemoration, the annual Drumboe Commemoration which will take place in Stranorlar on Easter Sunday.
“I would call on everyone who wishes to remember the heroes of 1916 and all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for Irish freedom to join us on Easter Sunday. This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever.
“As always, everyone is welcome and I would extend an invite to everyone in the county, of all political persuasions, to join us in what promises to be a very historic event.”