Enda Kenny is under serious pressure after he admitted his role in the John McNulty appointment to the Seanad debacle.
GENERAL ELECTION: Tim Jackson has blasted the Taoiseach’s handling of the McNulty affair, labelling the debacle as another nail in the coffin of Fine Gael’s credibility.
He has also called on Minister Joe McHugh to clarify whether Mr McNulty has been part of his election team whilst canvassing.
Tim Jackson told Donegal Daily, “This issue goes to the heart of all that’s wrong in Irish politics.
It’s a clear case of cronyism within a party that promised a “political revolution” at the last election but has utterly failed to deliver.
“The Taoiseach has denied being part of this affair for two years, and only now has he decided to finally tell the truth.”
“I hope that Minister McHugh will answer questions around McNulty’s alleged involvement in his own election campaign.
It’s time for Fine Gael to become a lot more transparent in their affairs, lest they continue to be part of this ongoing problem of political favours and privilege.”
“I’m meeting people every day on the doorsteps who are fed up of Irish politics, and they’re ready to send that message to the Government on Friday.
“It beggars belief that the Taoiseach didn’t tell the truth when this scandal broke, and it simply indicates that voters really cannot trust a politician’s word.”
“Throughout my campaign I have emphasised that there is a crisis of leadership in Ireland, causing dysfunction at every level of society.
“We now have an opportunity to elect TDs who will speak and act for the good of Donegal and Ireland.”