Tim Jackson has described Minister McHugh’s latest intervention in the community hospital debacle as “an election scramble to paper over the cracks, but which ultimately clarifies nothing.”
Jackson told Donegal Daily, “All the people I have spoken with are of the same mind: the combined statements from the HSE and Minister McHugh have done nothing to assuage our fears, but will only sow further seeds of confusion among some of the public affected.
“This is most certainly a last ditch pre-election attempt from the Government to pour cold water on the debate with a verbose statement, but it has back-fired in a big way.
“Our demand all along has been quite clear, and has not been met in any way by the Minister.
“It’s simple overturn the Department of Health decision to remove long term beds from our hospitals.
“Only then will we be satisfied that there will be no more ongoing incremental cuts towards full closure of our community hospitals.
“It is up to politicians from Donegal to protect the health services of our county, so I remain adamant that this is an unresolved election issue which the Minister must do better on.”