CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Club membership is now due for 2016. Adult membership is €25, Student (3rd level and in full time education with Student ID) is €15 and under age is €5 (capped at €20 per family). Anyone playing football for the club must have their membership paid up to be covered by insurance in case of injury. Club members will also have first preference on Donegal tickets for the coming season. Fees must be paid in full by March 31st. Please contact Edward Mc Laughlin, John Friel, Nichola Donaghey or any committee member to get your membership.
MATCH “N” WIN: Thursday February 11th: No jackpot winner: Numbers drawn: 6, 13, 15, & 17. €15 winners:
Mary T Devlin, Annaugh.
Benny Donaghey, Magheramore.
Gillespie Family (Kevin), The Parish.
Stuart Kennedy, Belfast.
George Morrison, Crumlin.
Jackpot next week €660. Thanks to all our lotto sellers and to all who support the club in this weekly draw.
BINGO: Club bingo every Thursday night in St Mary’s Hall, Clonmany at 9pm.
UNDER AGE TRAINING: U 12 & U14 girls every Thursday evening from 5.00pm to 6.00pm in the Youth Club, Clonmany. U10 boys & girls training on Saturday morning at 11.00am on the astro turf in the Youth Club. Please wrap up warmly. Please bring €2 to cover cost of astro. U6 and U8 training every Friday evening in the youth club clonmany from 5.30 to 6.30pm. Please bring €2 to cover cost of the centre.
IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Subject to sufficient demand the club is hoping to run Irish classes please contact Shaun Mc Daid on 0861948491 for more details.