Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta***
Rinneadh na socruithe do Chomórtas Peile na Gaeltachta an tseachtain seo chaite. Imreoidh an fhoireann tacaíochta in éadan na nDúnaibh sna Dunaibh sa réamhbhabhta ar an 14ú Feabhra. Imreoidh na buaiteoirí sa bhaile in éadan Naomh Mícheál sa chéad bhabtha ar an 21ú Feabhra. Tá na sinsir sa bhaile in éadan an Tearmainn ar an 21ú Feabhra.
***Club Officer Positions**
Congratulations to the following people who were ratified into the following roles at last weeks monthly club meeting.
Oifigeach Leanaí – Tom Feeney
Oifigeach Oiliúna – Stephen Doohan
Oifigeach Forbartha – James McCrossan
We would like to wish all our 2016 club officers well in their roles for the forthcoming year! A special thanks to all our out-going officers who dedicated so much time and effort to their roles.
****Reminder: Club Membership******
Club membership is now due.
The club will be holding Registration nights down in the clubhouse kitchen on the following nights from 7:00 – 8:30 pm:
Wednesday 10th February
Friday 12th February
Friday 19th February
The cost of adult club membership for 2016 is €30, underage membership is €10.
Payments for entry into the 100 club is also now being accepted – the cost is €240 and can be paid in instalments or direct debit! Club membership is included for 100 club members. Prize money totals €1000 monthly: one €500 winner and 5 €100 winners each month.
***Gym Information***
The Gym at our clubhouse is available for use to all members of the public once they have paid Gym membership.
The gym is STRICTLY for the use of paid gym members only.
Adult membership is priced at: €150 for 12 months, 6 month =€80, 3 month =€55
Excellent membership rates are also available for minors and college students. Please contact Declan McGarvey tel: 086-100 9467 for further information on the Gym and on membership rates.
Gym opening times are as follows:
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 12:00 noon and 5:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 pm – 12:00 noon.
Please also take a look at DMG Fitness facebook page for various classes being run at the club house!
The club would like to extend sympathies to the Kelly family on the passing of Kathleen-Anne. Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam.