Fine Gael election candidate Paddy Harte has said the loss of Letterkenny’s Town Centre Manager is a retrograde step for the town.
Mr Harte said “Letterkenny was one of the first towns in Ireland to create a Town Team and recruit a Town Centre Manager and there is a grave risk that this innovative approach could now be lost”.
“The very valuable partnership between the Council and private business to fund the initiative was unique in this country. The partnership’s vision set out to work in partnership with all key stakeholders to create a welcoming and economically viable and sustainable town centre by increasing citizen engagement and commercial activity.”
He added we can all see how this vision is beginning to take practical shape.
“Letterkenny has become a more vibrant, modern, safe and secure town centre environment which is attracting many more visitors and there is a renewed vigour in citizen engagement. The partnership set itself the objective of utilising all available resources to the maximum potential will allow us to think globally, interact regionally and act locally.”
Harte added “It will be a retrograde step for the project if it fails to progress at a time when most other towns are creating their own Town Teams and Town Centre Managers. There is a real danger that Letterkenny will get left behind if we don’t address this issue.”