The Road Safety Authority has issued a reminder to all road users to continue to excercise caution when using the roads after another day of rain in Co Donegal.
Even though weather conditions have improved, road conditions in parts of the county are still hazardous due to the continued presence of flooding on roads.
There is also the added danger posed by storm damaged road surfaces and gravel / stones deposited by surface water, especially on regional roads.
The RSA advises the following:
• Driver behaviour needs to match the road conditions on roads. Debris deposited by the recent rainwater (surface run off) and wet roads will reduce grip so drivers are asked to slow down and increase braking distances, by leaving a bigger gap between vehicles.
• DO NOT attempt to drive through flooded roads as stranded cars are causing obstruction and a hazard in some locations.
• Pay attention to any advice or signage that either the Local Authorities or the Gardai have in place for road closures and obey any signs detouring traffic away from flooded roads.
• Plan your travel routes carefully before beginning your journey allowing time for any diversions.
• Road users are asked to be extra careful at night when it’s harder to see flood dangers.