Well known actor Gerard McSorley chats to a Garda as he left a previous sitting Letterkenny District Court. (NewspixIrl)
A JUDGE has dismissed a case brought by AIB Bank agains the Gaoth Dobhair-based actor Gerard McSorley.
Judge Paul Kelly dealt with an application by AIB to examine Mr McSorley’s means in Dungloe District Court today.
Their summons claimed a debt from the 64-year-old actor totalling €20,026.
McSorley, who has starred in a number of movies including ‘Omagh’ was accompanied in court today by his solicitor Brendan Twomey who told the judge that Mr McSorley is on disability and has medical and health issues.
Mr Twomey said he wrote to the bank and their legal team replied to say they were seeking an adjournment. He attempted to phone the bank but he could not get anybody to discuss the matter.
Mr Twomey said there was “a significant level of debt”. The bank’s debt was secured by a mortgage judgement on Mr McSorley’s house. He asked for the application to be struck out.
The solicitor added: “I am confident he will be a suitable candidate for an arrangement under the insolvency act.”
Judge Kelly struck out the bank’s application.