Due to a very rare breakdown in communications, the results for the scramble of Sunday 30th November were incorrectly reported last week.
Although hardly anybody noticed, or brought it to my attention, it was felt the correct winners of Martin Duffy, Sidney Anderson and Mark Friel deserved a mention for their deserved victory, and apologies to the ‘Gallagher Three’ for the unfortunate error.
Club captain Martin Duffy made it two in a row last Sunday when he led his team of Paddy Lynch, Damian Gallagher and Martin O’Reilly to victory in very testing conditions of strong wind and the odd nasty hail shower. Hopefully we’ll be back to milder conditions this Saturday 13th when members battle it out for the annual Christmas Hampers, when names should be in to the clubhouse at 9158319 before 10 am for a 10.30 sharp tee off. Sunday the 14th is the last of the 2014 turkey scrambles, and the last chance for anyone who still hasn’t bagged the Christmas Fowl yet, tee off at the usual time of 12 noon, names in before 11.45.