Can’t Pay Won’t Pay will hold a meeting in Letterkenny tonight to discuss stepping up the campaign to boycott water charges in the New Year.
Spokesperson Micheál Cholm Mac Giolla Easbuig said we have had a very intense period of activity over the past weeks with a number of protests, including the 24 hour picket of Joe McHugh’s office.
He said the group are also gearing up for a large presence at the December 10th protest outside Dail with buses leaving from West Donegal, Letterkenny and South Donegal.
He said “The response has shown that the changes announced by the government have only served to show that the protests are working and have encouraged people to continue to keep up the pressure until the charges are completely withdrawn. But we are very clear that while the protests are very important they will not on their own bring about the end of the charges. Only a massive boycott of the charges next year will do that.
“We are meeting on Wednesday to draw up plans to bring the boycott message to every corner of the county with proposals for a leaflet campaign, public meetings and local protests. Our message will be that we are winning this battle against a weakened government which now has one eye on the general election. If we continue to stand together by refusing to register with Irish Water and refusing to pay, then we will see the charging system fall into complete disarray. We believe that tens of thousands of people in Donegal will not pay. It just will not be possible to pursue them all. As always our meeting this week is open to all those who support the boycott and want to discuss how we can make it as successful as possible.”
The Can’t Pay Won’t Pay meeting takes place tonight (WED) at 8pm in the Station House Hotel, Letterkenny.